CaffeLenaTV Subscriber FAQ

I am unable to sign in

  • Click “Forgot Password?” 

  • Enter email associated with account and click “Send Instructions”

I did not receive an email for password recovery

  • This may mean the email you entered when signing up had an error. Please contact and ask us to check on your account details. 

I bought tickets but I can’t find where to watch the show

  • The CaffeLenaTV Catalog ( always displays tonight’s show on the first slide at the top of the page and includes a link to view the show

  • If you’re looking for a future show, you can find the full list of our upcoming live streams here:

  • Check your email for an order confirmation from CaffeLenaTV which will include a link to the purchased live stream (check spam if it does not appear in your inbox)

I missed the live broadcast but I’d like to watch a recent show

  • You can find the past week of shows in our Recent Live Streams playlist here:

  • All live streams are available on demand for one week, and can be rented during that time. If you bought a ticket for the live show but could not watch, you will still have access during this time. 

I would like more information on becoming a subscriber to CaffeLenaTV

  • GO LIVE: For $10/month, Go Live Subscribers get access to 4+ live streamed shows per week. Watch live, or anytime up to 7 days after the show.

  • ALL ACCESS: For $15/month, All Access Subscribers receive all Go Live benefits PLUS unlimited access to our curated vault of favorite past shows and music classes.

  • You can find more information on our subscription offerings here:

  • Please reach out to if you have any questions

Is my computer the only place I can watch CaffeLenaTV shows?

  • We have three apps available for Subscribers and ticket buyers! You can access CaffeLenaTV content on iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android mobile devices as well as Roku Smart TVs. Just search "CaffeLenaTV" in the app store.

  • You can login using the same username and password! If you bought a ticket for an individual show, that will be the only "unlocked" content in the app.

I am interested in a specific archived show, but I can’t find it in the Vault

  • The Vault does not contain every archived show. We rotate shows, usually adding two per month. Shows may remain in the Vault for 6 months or more. 

  • We always welcome Subscriber feedback - if there is a particular show that you’d like to see added to the Vault, please let us know. 

I’d like to purchase a Gift Card for CaffeLenaTV

  • Gift Cards can be purchased for a specific amount OR as a gift subscription for a certain number of months. 

  • You can find both options and follow the instructions to send your CaffeLenaTV Gift Card here: